Thursday, 11 April 2013

Hidden Treasures

The perks of having my family live in France are endless, particularly in the Summer. Most people ask me how I find it as if they pity the fact I must hop on a plane to get home but it really isn't too painful for me considering how easy it is to travel nowadays. I can leave Manchester by 9 and be home by 3 (time difference included). So I took the opportunity to go home over Easter and take my bestie with me to show her the bright lights of South West France (sense the sarcasm on 'bright lights' please). It may be extremely quiet where my fam are but its such a nice break from hectic Manchester.
My madre had informed me of a place she had found near by that literally had every single thing you could ever imagine (albeit not necessarily want). There was literally everything from potties, skis, wooden spoons, prams and that all important black ink! Granted about 90% of it was absolute tatt but there were some gems which we found including angora jumpers for 2 euros! Places like this are also perfect for finding amazing items for the home, I was obsessed with the chairs pictured above and there was a french day bed which would look perfect covered in pillows to lounge out in the sun on! Although the majority of things here you would not find use for its great for inspiration and to just generally potter around. I think our purchases totalled a grand sum of about 20 euros. Finding as many goodies as we did for this little is unheard of back home so we much appreciated the tip off mother!!! 
I shall be returning asap as the jewellery shop was closed when we visited. I dread to think how many amazing finds there could be there! My beady magpie eyes will be wide open!!! 

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