Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Environmentally Friendly

To me, environment is everything! Where you chose to place yourself is what inspires me the most. Transitioning back into Manchester and eventually finding our dream apartment this weekend has got me thinking just how contrasting this year ahead is going to be compared to my last 12 months spent mainly in Vancouver. In order to be inspired you must look for what you crave and in some places it's easier said than done. I have quickly been reminded this past week how much Manchester rains, not to mention the fact it's summer and I don't think I've witnessed a minute of sun in one of my favourite cities. That being said you have to make the most of your situation, come rain or shine (sorry, I had to!!) So Manchester may not be Barbados but it does however guarantee a non stop nightlife every single day of the week, something which my predecessor slightly lacked and a feature that I value when choosing the 'perfect home'.

I found an article titled 'The Fastest Way to Rise to Greatness' (no doubt an American who wrote it!) and it categorically says that 'those that rise quickly to the upper stratospheres of their field are incredibly deliberate about the environments they put themselves in', and I couldn't agree more! Surround yourself with greatness and you in turn will be great. How can you be expected to grow if you are suffocated in stagnated surroundings that don't open your eyes to new experiences? I believe being utterly satisfied with your environment is a vital key to your happiness and if the city just ain't doing it for you, it's time to look elsewhere and what better place to start than this picture of New York City, aka my soon to be back garden. Inspiration overload. 

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