Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Clover Canyon-Lucky For Some


I have a thing for prints, it's a love affair that I can't seem to, nor want to break free from. Clover Canyon and I are therefore clearly perfect for each other. I found this brand when I was doing my daily blog stalk where Cheyenne from Cheyenne meets Chanel (above) wears this amazingly stunning, eye catching dress. Nothing screams 'look at me more' and I guiltily buy into that. The prints and this dress reminded me so much of what I wore for my 21st and anything that takes me back to that weekend is a-okay with me. I'm seeing more and more Hawaii influenced prints cropping up not just online but in person too, Ibiza was certainly embracing this trend whole heartedly. I don't think I'm 100% ready to throw on my lea and head to the nearest Luau, but I am definitely inspired.

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