Thursday, 20 October 2011

Midterms are over and the goose is getting fat…

The above sentence doesn’t need to make sense, it does to me…it might to you by the end of this. Just a quick blog update seen as I haven’t in the past couple of days, not sure how you’re all coping?! Mid terms are officially over!! Can’t say they lasted long, my first and only one was yesterday and it went…ummmm okay?! I think! When the teacher offered me tissues after I handed her my paper I wasn’t sure if it was because she could sense the look of fail written all over my face or that she could tell I was ill with flu!? Even though I only had one exam, I still unfortunately have a few more pieces of work to hand in but I can safely say the expectations here are much lower than home. This is not a criticism in any way, I think the system is so much better here, more consistent, you stay motivated and you can actually attain high grades rather than home where you feel short changed by receiving nothing higher than 75% (and even that is considered near to impossible at times)…unless that’s just me!? ha…
So excited for Halloween, we are all going fancy dress shopping this weekend to find outfits! Still undecided on what to choose but there are a million and one stores here specifically for Halloween weekend so I am sure I will find something ‘appropriate’.
BUT most importantly…After talks with my lovely hidden valley ranch partner in crime Linda (video below to help this make sense-just to give you a giggle) I am officially going to ‘Cali’ for Christmas!!!! Words cannot explain how much this excites me! Finally I am going to California, and what better way to spend it than with the Franklin fam. Trips to Disneyland, rollerblading on Venice Beach in hunt of Justin Bobby, watching fake snow fall at the Grove (talking of the Hills I am pretty sure that’s on an episode?) and whatever else they do on the west coast!?
So even though I think the kegstand I did last weekend inadvertently gave me ‘Strep’ (tonsillitis to all back home) the forthcoming weekends skiing in Whistler, Halloween, many trips to Seattle, Christmas in California and whatever we decide for New Year, are keeping me going and I am STILL having the most amazing time, EVER! Definitely not ready to go home, good job I still have 6 months left! (that does NOT sound long enough now I just said it out loud :()
Here is just a hilarious video from SNL with Bridesmaids star Melissa McCarthy (my dear friend Diana aka Linda found her calling when she saw this vid, basically her in 10 years! luhhhhh yew), I wish we got this back home!! Check out the Jimmy Fallon skit of Jersey Shore too if you’re a fan, its brilliant!!!


Unknown said...

Ahh Holly you make me so jealous! I wish we had a better grading system over here too...

Diana said...

hahah absolutely love this post!! Can't wait for Christmas! xxxxx

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