Wednesday, 7 December 2011

How time flies…

It has been farrrrrrr too long since I have updated this, a month exactly but to be honest I have been busy busy getting better after having strep/ a broken back and everything in between. I am back to my normal self and been making up for lost time. It has become super cold here all of a sudden and the mountains are now snow capped, making Vancouver even more beautiful than it already was. Planning to venture up to Whistler next week as a goodbye to some of my favourites who are leaving at Christmas as they’re only on exchange for a term (sob sob – please don’t go!!!) so I am super excited for that as I have STILL not been, and STILL not set foot down a ski slope (wish me luck) but today I completed my ski get up with a GOOOORGEOUS Zara ski coat (& YES it IS a legit ski jacket for those who doubt me)
A few weekends a go a bunch of us took a trip to Seattle and with Sleepless in Seattle being one of my fav films I always wanted to visit. I am not going to say I was disappointed, maybe my expectations were set too high with breathtaking Vancouver as my new home but it was definitely not what I expected. You notice a difference as soon as you even cross the border but it was nice to travel down and see the beautiful scenery along the way (for the most part anyway, when Becky and I weren’t singing). We visited the Cheesecake Factory which speaks for itself, mountains and mountains of food and an unlimited selection of cheesecake in sooo many flavours (definitely explains one difference we noticed between the American and Canadian people…I shall let you figure that one out yourself). Space Needle, Pike Place Market and not forgetting the gum wall were all ticked off our list. It was definitely worth the visit despite the rain but I can safely say Vancouver has won my heart and I wasn’t too upset to leave Seattle (even with numerous shopping bags in hand and more shops left unvisited).
Since then there have been numerous Pit nights, an encounter with my favourite Entourage star Adrian Grenier (made my year-as the majority of you know), stupid amounts of delicious ‘buffeT’ food at an entertaining Christmas party and a little bit of work squeezed in between.
I cannot believe I am 2 weeks away from the end of term. How time flies eh? 3 months have flew by me so fast my fingers and toes are crossed that next  term slows down a little, that said it has been an amazing three months and I cannot wait to start the next adventure in 2012.

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Something I Came Across & Couldn't Help But Post

"For what it’s worth, it’s never too late or, too early to be whoever you want to be. There is no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you’re proud of. If you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again." - The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Monday, 7 November 2011

“The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page”

So I am sat here after a few busy weeks, finally having some time to just stop, and think. Reflect on everything I have achieved not only since I have been here but ever! I am discovering more and more that finding the time alone to do just this is becoming few and far between but I am equally realising that this is not necessarily a bad thing. Before I moved to Vancouver, I guess I hadn’t really ‘travelled’ and by this I mean taking the big step to go find what’s out there in this world alone,  I’m not including family holidays, they don’t count, as lucky as I am to have visited some places many people haven’t New York, tiny islands in the Indian Ocean and the unforgettable island of Ibiza amongst others, we all know this is a tiny speck on the map and the true meaning of travel is fully immersing yourself in the cultures of as many different places as possible, and the majority of the time ‘roughing it’. Well this is what I aim to do anyway. I knew that moving here would give me the travel bug, I was struggling to find it, I needed the push and it most definitely couldn’t have inspired me more to just get out there and go see it all. The most exciting thing about this is that my travels haven’t even really begun, this year will easily be one of my best years yet, and the memories I have made already are enough to satisfy me before I return but the knowingness that there is so much more to squeeze into this year is even better, let alone my life. The main reason I am writing this is to encourage those reading it, who don’t yet have the travel bug to search long and hard for something that will give them it. It’s worth the hunt, trust me. Planning your trip is nearly as fun as the journey itself and I can’t stress enough how much you learn about yourself whilst doing so. Don’t get comfortable, don’t think that you have everything you need right where you are, that may even be the case but step out your comfort zone, chances are you’ll realise you were just ‘settling’. There is always more out there and taking the first step is sometimes the hardest part but it will never not pay off. Even chose somewhere that doesn’t initially seem your thing, chances are it will become your favourite thing. Travel opens your eyes to an infinite number of things and I really believe if you don’t experience it you’re missing out on discovering a whole chunk of yourself! It’s taken me a while to learn, but the excitement of waking up each day not knowing what your day will entail really is just that, exciting. Not daunting or scary and should most certainly not deter you. The second you become comfortable, change your scenery; take a trip, visit somewhere new, even revisit somewhere that gave you the best memories. Travel has already become one of my favourite things in the space of just 2 months. Make it yours if its the only thing you do this year. Leave your mark. <3

New York New York

I just saw this photo and it really reminded me of how much I miss this place, one trip was all I needed, once I am finished with all my responsibilities, that being School etc (I really am becoming more and more Canadian as the days go on) I am upping and moving here. My favourite place on the planet, no words can do it justice. I just LOVE.

What a Week!

Finally managed to find a minute to myself after such a hectic week. Vancouver Fashion Week definitely opened my eyes to a lot of things I didn’t expect to see. It was an amazing amazing experience and I met some really talented people including designers, models and others in the fashion industry. I was left undecided as to whether that world would be for me or not, I’m leaning towards one side over the other, I’m not going to say which but it was definitely an unforgettable experience that I would enjoy being involved in again. Let’s just say however the ‘catty-ness’ and cut throat nature of the fashion world definitely is NOT me. I was lucky enough to meet some really talented designers, D.W. being my favourite, his creations, show and concept were incredible, fashion should be a heightened statement of yourself if not yourself alone and I feel this collection definitely proved that. Daryl White is a designer from Calgary who’s ‘my favourite colour is bleach’ & ‘closets are for clothes’ statement pieces are ‘brill’, he takes influences from Lady Gaga, as well as combining different fabrics and textures which help to make casual attire, glamorous all at the same time. I was lucky enough to close the show for him and thankfully Becky and Luke came to see me walk on Friday and recorded it for me so I shall upload when I get it. I shall let the pictures and clothes speak for themselves as I guess that’s what fashion is all about, and I definitely cannot do the pieces justice in one blog entry. (Make sure to check him out on facebook - like like like)
Here are some other photos from other shows, there are some more to come just waiting for them :)
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Thursday, 3 November 2011

Hallows Eve(s)

So its been over a week and I try keep up with this blog posting as I know there are people out there who want to know whats going on here over the pond, mainly my mum(!!!), but its been Halloween as you all know andCanadians really know how to celebrate it, and its wayyyy better than home. (sorry home)
Wednesday was the usual trip to the Pit, I eased myself into an original costume of a ‘I’m a Cat…duhhhhhhh’ it did the trick however and although I was sober, still was on my antibiotics, it was a reallllly good night and not one person in there wasn’t dressed up. I love it so much more here as Halloween isn’t just an excuse to dress like a scary, slutty version of an animal (for girls anyways) you don’t even need to dress scary, in fact its kind of frowned upon. I have never witnessed so many random, bizarre, hilarious outfits as I have in the past week. Car washes, m+m’s, teenage ninja turtles, Fred Flintstone…sooo many more. Thursday, Claudia and I were accompanied by the boys to Nero, who before his show I wasn’t hugely keen on. If anything I was going to make up for the fact that my #19 Katence had failed to make it into their set at WHP the previous week! (nothing changes back home :)) but he was amazingly good and I spent the entire night at the front, even in my heels. Commodore Ballroom is a fab venue for shows like that and it’s made me want to go so many more out here as its a really big part of the nightlife in Van. Friday, Becky and I went to a friends house party in Kits which was no different to the other ones we’ve been to, especially the last. I went as a bunny (not remotely sexy) and Becky an ‘Arabian’ dancer. Best outfits at the party by miles ha however pretty sure the bus journey home was the most amusing part. Saturday a bunch of us went on the boat party organised by HKin…It was so worth it even if a few of our team members didn’t make it out due to various reasons I won’t include on here. Luke obviously dragged me downtown to a gay bar after which as always was so much fun and the music is always the best… So overall my Halloween weekend was easily the best I have ever had. Everyone really goes all out and I love that. I opted out of Fright Night at the theme park on Sunday, the weeks antics had taken it out of me and my general wussy like behaviour told me to stay away, quiet drinks at Local and the most amazing yam fries ever kept me very happy instead.
Vancouver Fashion Week started yesterday and fittings were today. I don’t even really know whether to make comments on this until its over? Let’s just say its going to be an interesting experience. The designers I am walking for so far are really really talented with some gorgeous pieces so its all very exciting and I am lucky to be involved. Not going to lie I think I might be slightly more excited for the after parties but I guess those who know me probably already realised this.
Here’s a couple of photos for friends and fam back home to nosey at. (and yes mum and pops, my hair is now brown, it has been for the past 2 weeks however every day we have skyped you have somehow not noticed? – it was an accident so I am glad you didnt notice – but either way…SURPRISE)
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Monday, 24 October 2011

Everything but the Dress…

So being the Kurt Geiger advocate that I am I was so excited to hear they had finally launched their new ‘Everything but the dress’ range. I knew when I was working for them that there were talks of introducing an accessories range but I didn’t know when this would be. After reading a few blogs ‘5 inch and up’ which my friend Jess introduced me to (you should all start reading this btw her style is something else and its so interesting to read) I found out that it’s been launched. I realise now I am slightly behind with this info, however the chaos of the move across the pond and everything else exciting going on will be my excuse for the delay. That’s irrelevant anywho as the most important thing is that everybody sees how amazing they’re stuff is. The clutches and purses are to die for, I love the slouchy, effortless style of them. Don’t get me started on their shoes, they have been and always will be amazing, the day I stop buying KG, someone should probably check my pulse. The heartbreaking part of this story is that Canada has no KG, and I am having serious withdrawal symptoms. They deliver worldwide however buying shoes online is like buying a car and watching someone else test drive it for you, it just isn’t right, the best part is spending hours in the store trying each one on. (Yep I am the annoying individual who asks to try every shoe on display-but I worked for them so I am allowed to do this!!!)  I want and need the snake purple tote in my life. I was never a huge accessories fan, mainly when it comes to jewellery but I am hoping KG will inspire me to change this, by the looks of their initial stuff I think they’re onto a winner.
"Fashion is no longer just about the clothing - accessories have become the driving force behind contemporary fashion," the brand's creative director, Rebecca Farrar-Hockley.

Vancouver Fashion Week

So I was finding the right time to tell you guys, or rather waiting to hear if they’d been stupid enough to ask for me. But I got invited to a casting for Vancouver Fashion Week and I have just found out I got it!!! Very excited/nervous but its a great opportunity to make some amazing contacts and hopefully have some fun. I have no idea what to expect but I shall let you guys know what happens…I am guessing there will be no sign of the Olsen Twins or Anna Wintour on the front row but who knows ha!… So it looks like I am bound to the gym now for the next couple of weeks. Wish me luck.
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Friday, 21 October 2011

HAPPY 21ST to an Amazing Friend

Just a quick one to say Happy Birthday to one of my favourites Katence! Her big 21!! As well as an overdue apology to my Pops for missing his birthday on the 11th. LOVE YOU BOTH SO MUCH! Wish I was there to celebrate them. But hope you have an amazing day Katy and hope everyone spoils you! I wish I could have ran through into your room this morning with tons of birthday related items and jump on your bed like I did most mornings at Lathom HA.
& a quick gushy thanks to everyone who has showed me how much of a fab friend they are to me since I’ve been here. I appreciate it sooooooooo much and can’t wait to be back with you and my amazing family, of course!!! xxxxxxxxx

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Midterms are over and the goose is getting fat…

The above sentence doesn’t need to make sense, it does to me…it might to you by the end of this. Just a quick blog update seen as I haven’t in the past couple of days, not sure how you’re all coping?! Mid terms are officially over!! Can’t say they lasted long, my first and only one was yesterday and it went…ummmm okay?! I think! When the teacher offered me tissues after I handed her my paper I wasn’t sure if it was because she could sense the look of fail written all over my face or that she could tell I was ill with flu!? Even though I only had one exam, I still unfortunately have a few more pieces of work to hand in but I can safely say the expectations here are much lower than home. This is not a criticism in any way, I think the system is so much better here, more consistent, you stay motivated and you can actually attain high grades rather than home where you feel short changed by receiving nothing higher than 75% (and even that is considered near to impossible at times)…unless that’s just me!? ha…
So excited for Halloween, we are all going fancy dress shopping this weekend to find outfits! Still undecided on what to choose but there are a million and one stores here specifically for Halloween weekend so I am sure I will find something ‘appropriate’.
BUT most importantly…After talks with my lovely hidden valley ranch partner in crime Linda (video below to help this make sense-just to give you a giggle) I am officially going to ‘Cali’ for Christmas!!!! Words cannot explain how much this excites me! Finally I am going to California, and what better way to spend it than with the Franklin fam. Trips to Disneyland, rollerblading on Venice Beach in hunt of Justin Bobby, watching fake snow fall at the Grove (talking of the Hills I am pretty sure that’s on an episode?) and whatever else they do on the west coast!?
So even though I think the kegstand I did last weekend inadvertently gave me ‘Strep’ (tonsillitis to all back home) the forthcoming weekends skiing in Whistler, Halloween, many trips to Seattle, Christmas in California and whatever we decide for New Year, are keeping me going and I am STILL having the most amazing time, EVER! Definitely not ready to go home, good job I still have 6 months left! (that does NOT sound long enough now I just said it out loud :()
Here is just a hilarious video from SNL with Bridesmaids star Melissa McCarthy (my dear friend Diana aka Linda found her calling when she saw this vid, basically her in 10 years! luhhhhh yew), I wish we got this back home!! Check out the Jimmy Fallon skit of Jersey Shore too if you’re a fan, its brilliant!!!

Saturday, 15 October 2011


…and just to update on my travels, I did my first kegstand last night and it was FAB! So fab I did it twice, and although some would beg to differ I was pretty damn good at it. Im’a win some bets soon enough!

Whatever you do, listen to this guy…Weeknd

For those of you who have never heard of Weeknd, LISTEN and for those of you who have, I would like to ask you why you didn’t tell me sooner about him!? He is an amazing amazing talent and I have had his stuff on replay all day.
This is easily my favourite and I cannot get it out of my head.

Friday, 14 October 2011

8 Tracks

I don’t know whether I am just really behind the times or its not something that is that huge back in England, probably the former but this websites amazing. It has every single track you would ever need in your life, grouped into different moods, genres, artists etc. Anyone can make a playlist and combine a bunch of songs to suit your mood. I LOVE IT.
Better wake up call than an early morning cappuccino -

If it ain’t broke don’t fix it

Realising more and more how much I struggle paying attention to this sentence. In the dictionary there is a photo of me next to the word fickle, go look. However it is often described as being inconsistent with relation to loyalties, this I am most definitely not, the opposite in fact. Constantly changing and wanting to find the next big thing IS me however. But its not just me who does this, I know a lot like this and it makes me wonder whether its a generation thing? Can we ever be satisfied with what we have? It scares me to think we can’t, I tell myself we can but the constant search for change cannot be a good thing in most respects and how do we go about, ironically, changing this feature of us, to become content with what we already have? I’m the one who rearranges my room a million and one times, changes hair colour whenever I feel like it, as if its disposable (which when it goes wrong it most certainly is NOT! been in the situation far too many times to know, and is expensive to correct!) changes nail polish every day and needs an entire new wardrobe each week. I know they all seem trivial but even so, why do it? Guess if they’re trivial is it even a huge issue? I think in our society we are increasingly bored with our surroundings or rather we become bored much quicker. On the other hand it’s argued is a need for change even a bad thing? Change can be exciting. Remaining in the same routine, day in day out can leave you feeling bland and uninspired. I think we all need a shake up more than we actually realise or are even willing to do. So sometimes it might go wrong, but a huge part of life is about making mistakes and learning how to bounce back from them. It’s the learning part that’s most important. Maybe the more you look for change the more you learn? Who knows, but I guess if you’re not willing to face change and take a risk how will you know? I’m beginning to realise that recognising when change is necessary is the key thing. Making rash decisions and failing to think of the repercussions can leave you crying unnecessarily over spilt milk, a few more seconds thought  could save a whole lot of clean up.
Embrace change, go on I dare you!

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Coolest Couple Ever..

Enough said. I want my own Caleb. Every single shot of them they look ridiculously in love there’s nothing hotter.LILY7
Caleb Followill and Lily Aldridge

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Breaking the bank but so worth it…

Untitled A couple of weeks ago, we were walking down Granville, trying our hardest to window shop and only window shop. Until we were drawn into Lavan. This was probably the hardest test of my will power ever.  The store was amazing and the products were like nothing I had ever really seen before (with prices to match their exclusivity). None the less we were treated to a mini spa treatment and my skin has never felt softer or more amazing. Their products are all based on natural ingredients originating from Israel with unique and healing minerals from the Dead Sea. It’s really unlike anything I have tried before. I wish we had this back home but once I find a winning lottery ticket I intend to stock up for my return. You can order online though and can guarantee you won’t be disappointed.

Fickle should be my middle name…

So I fancied a change to my blog layout etc and decided I am not just going to blog about my travels more just anything that I like, don’t like, take note of when I feel like it. :) As to me that’s what a blog should be all about as well as the fact I seem to be becoming more and more inquisitive the more time I spend here… The new blog title needs no explanation as it’s best kept secret, but already particular individuals have made their own assumptions so I shall let you make yours. Promise it wont be changed again as I am determined to keep this up.
Unfortunately my Thanksgiving dinner was pretty much none existent so no photos to follow, luckily I intend to make up for this by spending the American Thanksgiving, IN America so I have another chance to try it out. Fingers crossed it goes to plan this time. Note to self:- do not listen to Luke’s foodie recommendations considering his favourite snack is peanuts. Bleugh…. Halloween is not far away and us foreign folk have been informed of the need for not just 1 Halloween outfit but at least 3! Already have a few ideas mainly Cinderella (Thanks Diana), Sandy from Grease ( I WILL get the wig).. Anything that is not remotely scary basically or I would pretty much be setting myself up for LiLo’s scene in Mean Girls ‘Zombie Bride?’ ‘Ex Wife’ scenario. Halloween does NOT mean scary in North America apparently. Bizarre. Come to think of it, does it even mean that in England? I remember last halloween trying on an age 10-12 cat outfit in Sainsburys and genuinely believing I could get away with it!? One year I WILL!
Really want to start updating this way more so stay posted…

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

4 1/2 day weekend is upon us…

Thanksgiving weekend is here!! Time to find out what all the fuss is about. All I know is that I want it to include a million and one perogies, stuffing, turkey (or whatever meat you’re supposed to devour) and I am trying my best to show these Canadians what its really all about and I’m going to make my mummas amazing yorkshire puddings. I am hoping it looks something along the lines of this…..You’ll be the first to know.

Monday, 3 October 2011

Long Boats, Stanley Park & a few transvestites…

I’ve managed to be here a month without catching it, the time has come, fresher flu has caught up with me well and truly. So friday I took it easy and went ice skating. I was impressed with how I managed to stay up right and not fall over once. The last time I went about 7 years ago all I remember is clinging on to the sides. Next I will be competing in the winter olympics. Decided it was a sensible idea to take it easy considering the day of the long boat had come (remember that thing I was telling you about that I didn’t want to do and was hoping to find a way of getting out of, I never found a way) but after all that it was actually fun, and despite our team agreeing to not try and win in order to not go through to the next round, we came 3rd, which automatically put us through to the next round at 8am the next day. I may have enjoyed it the first time but that’s about it, the thought of doing it again at 8am the next day with plans to go out the night before did not bode well for me. (I will leave it as a mystery as to whether we ever made it to that 8am start.)
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After, what I sense is going to quickly become a daily routine, making banana and chocolate chip pancakes, I rested up for a night downtown. Luke reassured us that a night at 560, a gay club downtown wouldn’t just be full of gay men. We doubted it but turns out, straight guys seem to think this is a fantastic way to pick up girls. It isn’t, so guys back home, don’t go getting any ideas. We were too distracted by the transvestites on stage as well as being surrounded by gay men who loved Becky and I’s routinely dance offs. We should probably stop those, if anyone’s seen the video on my facebook, you now what I am talking about. I also have no idea who anyone in this photo below is but its funny all the same.
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Sunday we managed to drag ourselves out of bed and head to Stanley Park. Don’t ask how but it was worth it. We got bikes, put on our attractive helmets (me not included as we all know how big my head is haaaa meant literally, no pun intended) and cycled round the sea wall. The views were fab, as you can see from the photos and it definitely helped rid me of my hangover. Cycling along in my own little world I notice how fun it is to listen into peoples conversations, but only for a second. Cycling past people, I would hear a sentence from whatever story they were telling each other and then I would spend the rest of the journey wondering where the story came from or how it would end. Call me nosey (I get this from my mumma-yes you heard mum) but it’s entertaining none the less.
Something everyone seems to do here is have a ‘bucket list’ you’re own list of things you want to achieve before you die. A certain someone I know here seems to have an endless bucket list and he’s inspired me to start my own. Who knows how long mine will end up but I am going to start thinking of things from now. Since only being here a month I have already done things that would most definitely have been on my list, but now I can tick these off. I think everyone should have their own bucket list. So start writing one now :). Also wanted to say thanks to everyone who’s viewed my blog. Since starting it a month ago I have had over 1200 views, 4 of those have come from Mauritius, I have no idea who when or how they have viewed it but if it’s someone I know, name yourself, I quite fancy a holiday ha!
Keep reading
Love Hols x

Friday, 30 September 2011


Oh and P.S. … I joined the gym!!! YEY go me! Now I can eat as many marbelous cookies as I want… Aslong as I actually attend the gym and don’t be one of those girls that sits there lifting a 1kg weight whilst sat on their blackberry. Wouldn’t put it past me – But I AM determined. We will see how long it lasts, I need twinny here to keep me motivated, followed by a trip to M&S to reward us with plenty of percy pigs.

..Just about recovered

So after my short and to the point last post about the wonderful mountain that is Grouse, I woke up the following day being shocked at the lack of pain I felt. I was expecting my legs to be in agony but for some unknown reason it felt as if the previous day I had just stayed in bed all day long. None the less, I am so proud, shocked,amazed, relieved and happy that I did the grouse grind, as painful as it was the view was completely worth it and I definitely want to return if not just for the Beaver Tail (Delicious cinnamon churro/pastry thing) but to be able to look down on a city that is fast becoming my favourite city in the world and be reminded of how small we all really are. As ridiculous as it sounds it was humbling, to be reminded that the world is such a huge place, so big I don’t think I will ever comprehend it. It made me appreciate my time here so much more. In order to make the most of any opportunity you must throw yourself into everything and do things that at first seem out of your comfort zone, believe me, it will be worth it.
Last night me and the girls went to see Kings of Leon perform at Rogers arena. I hummmed along to the majority of their songs (I was sure I knew far more than I actually did) but they were still incredible. Sounded exactly the same if not better than their recordings. They were just so freaking cool, and as much as I was devastated to find out the lead singer is married to a Victoria Secret model (I don’t think I have enough time to take on my plan of changing his mind and making him leave her for me, yep, JUST the lack of time that stops this from happening, that’s all!!) the fact his brother Jared is equally as gorgeous made me forget all about the other one hahaha!
The weekend is coming and that means one thing, time to get absolutely soaked (most likely as the weather forecast is not looking positive) sat in a boat with 7 other people attempting to win a race. How un-Holly does this sound?! I know I’m encouraging everyone to do stuff out of their comfort zone but a race in a canoe, with the possibility of torrential rain is definitely not me and I am pretty sure I said yes to this because I was not completely sober at the time. I am still hoping for a freak accident that puts a stop to the whole thing. Oh and another thing, one of our genius team members decided to call ourselves the ‘Incredible Dolphins’. I think this Saturday I am going back to pre-school for 24 hours and pretending I am 5 again. What happened to ‘a year abroad will make you grow up so fast’. No mum, if anything, the opposite!
On a lighter note, I am becoming obsessed with pancakes, especially the banana and chocolate variety. Canadians may not really appreciate the true value of Haribo (ONE flavour does not count, especially when its cola bottles-WHERE ARE THE TANGFASTICS???) but they most definitely know how to make breakfast a sweet affair, eggs and pancakes, why did us english folk never think of putting these two together?
Thanksgiving is next weekend here so a few of us are contemplating a trip to Seattle as I need to visit Elena asap and save her from the 10 frat guys she has chose to live with (genius or mad idea I am still yet to decide) as well as stuff my face with whatever you are meant to on Thanksgiving?! Any clues as I feel that yorkshire puddings won’t be on the menu and I am missing them far too much!!

Saturday, 24 September 2011

3000ft towards my death

I would love to write more right now than I intend to however today’s goings on can only physically allow me to type this….
THE GROUSE GRIND ALMOST KILLED ME, not exaggerating/being a drama queen…it very nearly did. Unless you have a death wish or are just generally a lot fitter than me, DONT do it.
The view at the top however, did make up for a lot. 

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Marbelous Cookies

Just a quick one, couldn’t help but share the taste sensation that is banana and chocolate chip muffins and marbelous cookies from the blue chip cookie shop at UBC. If you come to Vancouver for anything it has to be for these! They are amazing and delicious and mouth watering and fantastical….all rolled into one. If they don’t bring you to this amazing city I do not know what will!!!
The pictures do not do it enough justice but seriously guys, you’re life isn’t complete without these (as well as the 15c wings, of course)..maybe instead of constantly talking about food I should venture to the gym-for $25 a term and a huge helping of hot guys apparently, I seem to be making the wrong choice.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Long Overdue

Sorry that it has taken me so long to update this, but it has been the busiest week, so please forgive me! :) It will be worth it for everything I will fill you in on….
The weather has been INCREDIBLE ever since I got here, and I am pretty sure it isn’t going to last much longer so I need to make the most of it. Last week I enjoyed my first ever Pit night, and don’t let the name fool you (as glamorous as it sounds) – it was no less than hilariousssss, even after having to wait 2 hours to get in due to the ridiculous que. Luckily we were kept entertained by an outdoor terrace with plenty of alcohol and eventually made it downstairs.. It’s pretty impressive for a uni club, despite throwing a strop the first time I was there saying people act like they’ve never heard music before ha…Still thought Canadians got a bit too giddy at the sound of Avicii or Guetta but was fun all the same :)..
I had my first basketball game on Thursday. People went seriously all out for this, blue blue blue everywhere and the chant that always reminds me of Bring It On ‘’Lets go defence!!!’’ did not stop. Cheerleaders were in attendance but I have decided against joining the team as although they’re outfits were no less than amazing, I’m not sure I have enough ‘pep’ and cheeriness to do it justice. Maybe next term when the Canadian mentality has rubbed off on me a little more. All I need next is to find myself a quarterback boyfriend pahaha.
Thursday, Becky and I went with a few of the other sorority girls to a party downtown hosted by one of the frats. The ‘party bus’ there wasn’t as cliché as it sounds, an all ‘Canadian’ school bus turned into a strobe lit, alcohol induced party was way more fun than you would originally think. We went to the club Caprice on Granville and after being there an hour our night had suddenly become like a scene from White Chicks. A dance off between the sororities was pretty cringe but no less entertaining (videos will be posted on Facebook asap, following on from Becky’s drunken Megabite incident…& sorry mum & pops, maybe I will show you these at a later date-if you’re lucky ha).
Friday – there was a welcome back BBQ and although everything I seem to talk about on here seems so twee and childish, it really is surprising us. It was a pretty big festival involving plenty of DJ’s, (Humans being one who were pretty cool, although one dressed with what looked like a tea towel on his head-whatever the music was good!!) hundreds of students, plenty of beer (this seems to be all everyone drinks here) and tons of hot guys. Apologies for being so blunt (family) but Canadian guys know how to look after themselves, that’s all I am saying!! Friends – COME AND VISIT!!!!
So the past week has been nothing but fun and although classes have started, I have Fridays off so long weekends to travel the US and Canada will be occurring on a regular basis. I lost my camera – to which I am still baffled as to how it happened but as you can see I replaced it quick enough and the mourning period is over. Think I lasted about a day without it and those who know me realise that is a pretty long time…. I did try but there are a trillion and one moments here I NEED to capture.
Pit tonight again, then attempting the Grouse Grind this weekend which is a 3000 feet hike but the view at the top is nothing short of jaw dropping and I am desperate to see it. If you don’t hear from me after this for a while the hike either killed me off or I am nursing a pair of very dead legs. Becky and I aim to have Gisele’s bum in no time…

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Exactly Like You See In The Movies…

So last night I experienced my first Frat party, and it was no less crazy than you see in American Pie. Exactly the same if anything, maybe better. Complete with keg stands, togas, beer pong and a million and one red cups. The que to get in to Sigma Khi was ridiculous, thankfully a new fraternity ‘brother’ wanted to show off his power and got us in straight away. If not I am pretty sure we would have still been there now. The frat house was turned into a nightclub whilst outside the guys just seemed to be incessantly chatting up girl after girl. Canadians friendliness is meant in every sense of the word. They’re not shy ha!
So now I am as always recently, shattered, but nothing another day at the beach wont solve. 27 degrees today and I am taking full advantage as I have a feeling by the time I return, Manchester will not have changed, and the most exciting thing people can do on a sunny day is sit outside at Dukes.

Thursday, 1 September 2011

“Totes Magoats”

Okay, so I am not quite sure where to start this. WOW would be a good way I think. Pretty sure this is going to be the way my blog will always start until I land back on English soil. Last night I experienced my first night out in Vancouver complete with Pre gaming, involving plenty of King Cups or Ring of Fire to us english folk,and is the reason for my deathly hangover right now. (In the words of Shep RIP HOL!) Pretty sure that set the tone for the rest of the night. We headed into town on the Skytrain and ended up back at my new favourite place, Warehouse. Everything on the menu is $4.95 and on Wednesdays you can help yourself to as many wings as you like for 15c each! Its ridiculously amazing food too!!!… Pretty sure I will be there every single day of the week, not just Wednesdays! Ended up drinking copious amounts of Nerd flavoured cocktails singing at the top of our lungs to Don’t Stop Believing and probably irritating the rest of the ‘punters’ but the DJ encouraged us, and I think we’d sipped too many cocktails to care. Moved onto Republic where the popular ‘Sonreal’ was performing. Yep, I think you know all his top hits, Blast Off and Clap 4 Me….Honestly none of us had a clue who he was but again we’d all had enough drinks to make us believe Jay Z was performing(Video to follow if I can figure out how to upload it-I bet you all can’t wait!!!)
308576_10150362179141756_636581755_9938229_145564_nThe night ended up with us all in Megabites (another one of my new fav late night food establishments – if you hadn’t noticed there is a recurring food theme going on-think I need to sort that out or I’ll be coming home 20 stone heavier-what the heck were in Canada eh?!) pizzas were thrown, ranch sauce ended up as my foundation and the majority of it ended up on my dress rather than in my mouth. But it was fun none the less.

So basically my first night out in Vancouver was HILARIOUS & MESSY(in every sense of the word) and I cant wait to do it all over again, probably tonight. Maybe I will take it easy and rest up for the fraternity toga party on Saturday. What can I say I am having a HORRIBLE time.
Missing home of course but there is so much here to do I am trying not to let it get to me. If the past few days have been a clue to how this year is going to be then I am definitely set to having the most eye opening, amazing year ever. (I will stop mentioning how good it is, I promise).. Apart from the going out, a little work has to be done I guess but by the looks of things its going to be much more rewarding than home. The whole mentality here is different…to everything! Positivity EVERYWHERE and I love this. The English could learn a little. Not mentioning how ridiculously friendly everyone is. I don’t understand how anyone couldn’t like it.
So I am pretty happy right now and I don’t see many signs of it changing. Sorry for the gushy-ness…but this place deserves it.

Saturday, 27 August 2011

The friendliest 80 year old ever, a yellow anaconda, the most ridiculous ‘Pimp my Rides’ & the most breathtaking city I have ever seen…

The 3 hour wade through immigration upon landing made me never want to leave the country, just so I didn’t have to go through it again. But stepping on the Skytrain and emerging from the Granville City Centre stop left me speechless. The city is breathtaking. You just don’t know where to look first, couples dancing in the street, an 80 year old who just stopped for a chat, a 12 year old boy wandering downtown with a Britney ‘Slave for You’ style snake round his neck (YES it was real!!!!) 50’s style diners, the tip jars and the most ridiculous hummers I have ever seen….I could go on! I don’t know how to explain it, other than jaw dropping, amazing, weird and wonderful. All rolled into one. I couldn’t help but update this but I am now attempting an ‘early’ night! Its 11pm here (7am on my British watch) been up for nearly 24 hours and I am POOPED ha! Roll on more crazy-ness tomorrow, hopefully involving pancakes!

Friday, 26 August 2011


Is it wrong that I am already dreaming of these for my breakfast on Sunday? The original American/Canadian pancakes..


Thursday, 25 August 2011

One Fat Emotional Mess...

...To put it simply.

I never knew I was capable of being such an emotional wreck, all in the space of a few days. Until now I had reassured myself that moving 4725 miles (yes I googled it) from home would be a simple, stress free experience. Nothing like an emotional goodbye dinner with the family to flip this belief on its head... Saying goodbye to all my 'nearest and dearest' (God I sound like my Grandma) was the hardest thing to do, not probably helped by the fact I am a 'slight' drama queen, and I really do mean slight!

...But all those hours spent thinking of the moments I will miss back home with the people I love the most made me wake up and remember how small we all really are. It's so easy to become 'comfortable' with your surroundings, whilst forgetting how many breathtaking things there are out there to see.

So...with my short poignant statement left right there (as we can't talk about too many 'feelings') I am left reassured that this year will be one of the most amazing years of my life and as the literary genius Joely Walker once said ''A life changing journey starts with a single step'' .. (or maybe she reworded a famous quote and tried to pass it off as her own!? I'll leave that one unanswered ha!!)

Unless you take the first step, you will always be wondering what if?! and I never want to wonder 'What If?'

Monday, 22 August 2011

4 sleep countdown to the start of my new adventure...

I've got to admit I never thought this day would come, seems like yesterday I was sat staring at the UCAS webpage waiting to see whether I had been accepted to study International Management & American Business Studies at Manchester University. 2 years on and my bags are packed, hotel booked, tickets printed. In 4 sleeps I will most probably be in floods of tears whilst I board the 8 hour flight to Vancouver, crapping myself (excuse my francais) at the prospect of living in a new country for a year, knowing no one and most importantly, the uncertainty of when I will next have access to my BBM.

I apologise in advance for the quality of this blog. Dont expect Shakespeare. A simple collection of photos (probably more these than anything else being the snap happy self that I am) and a few details of my travels will do for you all I'm sure. Putting all my fascinating stories on here seemed far more logical than repeating the same story ten times over! Please all comment, let me know what you all think/tell me to shut up if I am generally boring you to death (however I'm pretty sure I will be getting up to more fun things than the rest of you hahaha)

So I shall leave it at that for now and will update it asap once I have landed in Van. For those of you who ARE sending me off at the airport, bring some tears please, make me feel special, you know how I like that and most importantly wish me luck, because the way I am feeling right now, I most definitely need it. Fingers crossed the next time you hear from me it will be with red cup in hand, easing the pain of being away from you all.

Bon Voyage to moiiii & buckets of love

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